Magnet Theme: Biotech, Health, & Medical
Our core curriculum is based on the New Haven Public Schools K-8 Curriculum but is enhanced through STEM studies driven by our magnet theme. Students in all grade levels engage in thematic, multi-disciplinary units that connect our biotech, health and medical theme to develop the deep scientific understandings students need to be competitive in the 21st century workforce and to develop a set of thinking, reasoning, teamwork, investigative, and creative skills that students can use at Celentano and beyond. Technology, the Design Lab, and Project Lead the Way are all courses that have been added over the last 5 years to provide students with an enriched experience aligned with our magnet theme.
As part of their learning experiences, students examine case studies that require them to explore how biology and technology are merged together to identify global problems and potential solutions. We offer students opportunities to sharpen their reading, writing and math skills across the curriculum. Through an increased use of project-based learning, our students have discovered a relevancy in their learning experiences. Students seek to solve real-life problems and present their findings to real world audiences, specifically STEM professionals and graduate students procured through our partnerships with Yale University, Common Ground High School and many others.